All about Tina

Blog about current events, travel and beauty

Here I am

This is my first post on my website. I am going to try and devote time to this every night. Lately, I have so many thoughts and feelings its been hard to let them out. The reason its so hard for me to let it out, it I don’t want to hurt peoples feelings. Which sounds crazy, but I hold so much back because of that.

I’m tired of holding back. I have to let it out.

Last Friday, a man approached me and courted me bringing me flowers and planning trips with me, only for me to search his name and I found his marriage license from sept 2022. Found her facebook page and saw all their wedding pictures. It’s insane, because why. why why would you approach me if you are married? and freshly married at that.

It doesn’t make any sense. I’m so glad that I only kissed him. I deleted my dating apps and I thought maybe, just maybe I could meet someone in real life. Obviously I was wrong

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